Laboratory of Biochemistry
- Ichinomiya M, Shimada A, Ohta N, Inouchi E, Ogihara K, Naya Y, Nagane M, Morita T, Satoh M. Demonstration of Mitochondrial Damage and Mitophagy in Cisplatin-Mediated Nephrotoxicity. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2018 Sep;246(1):1-8. doi: 10.1620/tjem.246.1. PubMed PMID: 30175722.
- Nagane M, Kuppusamy ML, An J, Mast JM, Gogna R, Yasui H, Yamamori T, Inanami O, Kuppusamy P. Ataxia-Telangiectasia Mutated (ATM) Kinase Regulates eNOS Expression and Modulates Radiosensitivity in Endothelial Cells Exposed to Ionizing Radiation. Radiat Res. 2018 May;189(5):519-528.
- Nagane M, Kanai E, Shibata Y, Shimizu T, Yoshioka C, Maruo T, Yamashita T. Sulfasalazine, an inhibitor of the cystine-glutamate antiporter, reduces DNA damage repair and enhances radiosensitivity in murine B16F10 melanoma. PLoS One. 2018 Apr 12;13(4):e0195151. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0195151.
- Low expression of a Ddm7/Ldm7-hybrid mutant (D/Ldm7) in the novel haplotype H-2nc identified in atopic dermatitis model NC/Nga mice. Ohkusu-Tsukada K, Yamashita T, Tsukada T, Takahashi K. Genes Immun. 2019 Jan;20(1):74-81.
- Epidermal permeability barrier function and sphingolipid content in the skin of sphingomyelin synthase 2 deficient mice. Nomoto K, Yamashita T. Exp Dermatol. 2018 Aug;27(8):827-832.
- The curcumin analog HO-3867 selectively kills cancer cells by converting mutant p53 protein to transcriptionally active wildtype p53. Madan E, Parker TM, Bauer MR, Dhiman A, Pelham CJ, Nagane M, Kuppusamy ML, Holmes M, Holmes TR, Shaik K, Shee K, Kiparoidze S, Smith SD, Park YA, Gomm JJ, Jones LJ, Tomás AR, Cunha AC, Selvendiran K, Hansen LA9 Fersht AR, Hideg K, Gogna R, Kuppusamy P. J Biol Chem. 2018 Mar 23;293(12):4262-4276.
- Depletion of Gangliosides Enhances Articular Cartilage Repair in Mice. Matsuoka M, Onodera T, Homan K, Sasazawa F, Furukawa J, Momma D, Baba R, Hontani K, Joutoku Z, Matsubara S, Yamashita T, Iwasaki N. Scientific Reports. 2017; 7, Article number: 43729
- Lipophilic triphenylphosphonium derivatives enhance radiation- induced cell killing via inhibition of mitochondrial energy metabolism in tumor cells. Yasui H, Yamamoto K, Suzuki M, Sakai Y, Bo T, Nagane M, Nishimura E, Yamamori T Yamasaki T, Yamada K, Inanami O. Cancer Letters. 2017; 390, 160e167
- Lethality of mice bearing a knockout of the Ngly1-gene is partially rescued by the additional deletion of the Engase gene. Fujihira H, Masahara-Negishi Y, Tamura M, Huang C, Harada Y, Wakana S, Takakura D, Kawasaki N, Taniguchi N, Kondoh G, Yamashita T, Funakoshi Y, Suzuki T. PLoS Genetics. 2017; Apr 20;13(4):e1006696
- Anticancer potential of diarylidenyl piperidone derivatives, HO-4200 and H-4318, in cisplatin resistant primary ovarian cancer. ElNaggar AC, Saini U, Naidu S, Wanner R, Sudhakar M, Fowler J, Nagane M, Kuppusamy P, Cohn DE, and Selvendiran K. Cancer Biology & Therapy. 2016; 17(10): 1107-1105.
- Evaluation of the relative biological effectiveness of spot-scanning proton irradiation in vitro.Maeda K, Yasui H, Matsuura T, Yamamori T, Suzuki M, Nagane M, Nam JM, Inanami O, Shirato H. Jounal of Radiation Research. 2016; 57(3): 307-11.
- Skeletal Muscle Oxygenation Measured by EPR Oximetry Using a Highly Sensitive Polymer-Encapsulated Paramagnetic Sensor. Hou H, Khan N, Nagane M, Gohain S, Chen EY, Jarvis LA, Schaner PE, Williams BB, Flood AB, Swartz HM, and Kuppusamy P. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2016; 923: 351-357.
- Activation of eNOS in endothelial cells exposed to ionizing radiation involves components of the DNA damage response pathway. Nagane M, Yasui H, Sakai Y, Yamamori T, Niwa K, Hattori Y, Kondo T, and Inanami O. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2015; 456: 541-546
- Inhibition of the mitochondrial fission protein dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) impairs mitochondrial fission and mitotic catastrophe after X-irradiationYamamori T, Ike S, Bo T, Sasagawa T, Sakai Y, Suzuki M, Yamamoto Y, Nagane M, Yasui H, and Inanami O. Molecular Biology of The Cell. 2015; 25: 4607-4617
- ErbB2 over-expression up-regulatdes anti-oxidant enzymes, reduces basal levels of reactive oxygen species and protects against doxorubicin cardiotoxicity. Gabrielson K, Belmonte F, Das S, Sysa-Shah P, Sivakumaran V, Stanley B, Guo X, Paolocci N, Aon M, Nagane M, Kuppusamy P, and Steenbergen C. AJP-Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 2015; 309: H1271-H1280
- Ohanyan V, Yin L, Bardakjian R, Kolz C, Enrick M, Hakobyan T, Kemetz J, Bratz I, Luli J, Nagane M, Hou H, Kuppusamy P, Graham J, Kwan FF, Janota D, Oyewumi MO, Logan S, Lindner JR, and Chilian WM. Requisite Role of Kv1.5 Channels in Coronary Metabolic Dilation. Circulation Research. 2015; 117(7): 612-621.
- Inhibition of GM3 synthase attenuates neuropathology of niemann-pick disease type C by affecting sphingolipid metabolism. Molecules and Cells. Lee H, Lee JK., Bae YC, Yang SH, Okino N, Schuchman EH, Yamashita T, Bae JS, and Jin HK. 2014; 37(2):161-171.
- Sasazawa F, Onodera T, Yamashita T., Seito N, Tsukuda Y, Fujitani N, Shinohara Y, Iwasaki N. Depletion of gangliosides enhances cartilage degradation in mice. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2014; 22(2): 313-322.
- Activin receptor-like kinase5 inhibition suppresses mouse melanoma by ubiquitin degradation of Smad4, thereby derepressing eomesodermin in cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Yoon JH, Jung SM, Park SH, Kato M, Yamashita T, Lee IK, Sudo K, Nakae S, Han JS, Kim OH, Oh BC, Sumida T, Kuroda M, Ju JH, Jung KC, Park SH, Kim DK, Mamura M. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2013; 5(11): 1720-1739.
- Improvement of spontaneous alternation behavior deficit by activation of α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor signaling in the ganglioside GM3-deficient mice.Niimi K, Nishioka C, Miyamoto T, Takahashi E. Miyoshi I, Itakura C, and Yamashita T. Biomedical Reseach. 2013; 34(4):189-195.
- Effect of ganglioside GM3 synthase gene knockout on the glycoprotein N-glycan profile of mouse embryonic fibroblast. Nagahori N, Yamashita T, Amano M, and Nishimura S. ChemBioChem. 2013; 14(1):73-82.
- 放射線照射後の血管内皮細胞における一酸化窒素産生の亢進は固形腫瘍を再酸素化する. 永根 大幹, 安井 博宣, 山盛 徹, Perriannan Kuppusamy, 稲波 修, 放射線生物学研究. 2017; 52(2), 173-182