総合科学部門 生物学研究室
RNAヘリカーゼとは、遺伝子から転写されたmRNAの転写開始点から開始コドンまでの5’-untranslated region(5’-UTR)に生じている高次構造を解消する酵素タンパク質である。すなわち、翻訳を担っているリボソームが開始コドンを効率よく認識するためにものであり、タンパク質の翻訳効率に大きな役割を担っているものである。我々はヒト癌細胞において高発現しているRNAヘリカーゼ、YTHDC2(Y2)のクローニングに成功した。そこで、大変興味深いことにY2分子の発現を抑制したヒト癌細胞を移植すると、転移が抑制された。我々はY2が癌転移に関わる遺伝子群のmRNAの高次構造の解消に働いていると考えている。具体的には、癌転移の起因に係わる低酸素ストレスの応答を担う遺伝子群の翻訳に係わるY2分子の役割について解析を進めている。
全身性エリテマトーデス(SLE)や慢性関節リウマチなどの自己免疫疾患は理論的に、全身性の細胞性・体液性免疫の破綻が考えられるが、実際には臓器特異的な障害が共通な自己抗体によって起因している場合が多い。すなわち病態の多様性に対して自己抗体のレパートリーの多様性がそれほどなく、おそらく抗原性獲得のための構造を内在している可能性がある(抗原になりやすい構造)。我々はそれを解き明かしたい。現在、マウス常染色体由来のマイナー抗原分子、IL-4 inducible gene 1 (IL4I1)が抗原提示細胞、樹状細胞内での抗原提示経路について解明しており、抗原提示阻害物質の発見を通じ、抗原提示には特異的な小胞体輸送分子が係わっていることを証明した。今後はその分子機構について明らかにしていきたい。

業績目録は担当教員の「教授 佐原弘益」のプロフィールに移動しました。
研究室の在籍者(2023年 4月1日現在)
獣医学研究科動物応用科学専攻 博士前期課程2年生 3名
共同研究員 2名(特任助教1名を含む)
食品製造企業 開発職 1名
札幌医科大学大学院医学研究科 博士課程進学 1名
私立水族館 獣医職 1名
飼料製造会社 1名
受託研究試験関連企業・研究技術職 1名
医薬品製造業 開発職 1名
神奈川県庁職員 獣医職 1名
私立学校教員(高校) 1名
医薬品製造業 営業職 1名
動物薬開発企業 開発職1名
受託研究試験関連企業・研究技術職 1名
医歯薬関連出版社・編集職 1名
海洋哺乳類飼養繁殖企業・獣医師 1名
獣医学研究科動物応用科学専攻・博士前期課程 1名
*医薬品開発受託企業(CRO) 開発職 2名
*製薬メーカー (学術担当) 1名
獣医学研究科動物応用科学専攻・博士前期課程 1名
*受託研究試験関連企業・研究技術者 1名
*動物病院・獣医師 1名
*大阪大学大学院医学研究科・博士後期課程進学、 1名
*札幌医科大学大学院医学研究科・博士後期課程進学、 1名
*化学メーカー・研究開発職、 1名
獣医学科卒業者 (1名)
獣医学部動物応用科学科 卒業者(2名)
獣医学部動物応用科学科 卒業者(1名)
*警視庁 1名
*製薬メーカー・研究職、 2名
*学校法人・事務職 1名
獣医学部獣医学科 卒業者(1名)
獣医学部動物応用科学科 卒業者(3名)
麻布大学 総合科学部門 生物学研究室 業績リスト
Publication List of Laboratory of Biology,
1). 著書
1. 佐原弘益. 牛の卵胞リズム. 三宅浩次 編集、生体リズムの構造,札幌, 富士書院 1992, 185-196.
2. Takahashi, N., Ohtomo, N., Sahara, H., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. 1/f spectra of the spawning rhythm in the sea urchin. Saito, K., ed.: A recent advance in time series analysis by maxiam entropy method, Hokkaido University Press, pp127-136,1994.
3. 佐原弘益. 牛の卵巣内卵胞数の動態における周期構造. 細田嵯一監修、生体時系列データ解析の新展開. 札幌、 北海道大学図書刊行会、 1996, 365-376.
4. 高橋延昭、大友詔雄、佐原弘益、佐藤昇志、森道夫、菊地浩吉. ウニの産卵リズムの1/f ゆらぎと神経二重支配. 札幌、 北海道大学図書刊行会、 1996, 377-390.
5. 高橋延昭、大友詔雄、佐原弘益、佐藤昇志、森道夫、菊地浩吉. 繁殖リズムに内在する不活性化過程—ウニの1/f ゆらぎ産卵リズムに関して. 札幌、 北海道大学図書刊行会、 1996, 391-404.
6. 佐原弘益、佐藤昇志、高橋延昭、菊地浩吉. 癌拒絶抗原ペプチドによる治療. Annual Review 免疫1998, 東京、中外医学社、1997, 216-225.
7. 佐原弘益、佐藤昇志. この一年間に分離された腫瘍拒絶抗原とその免疫治療. Annual Review 免疫1999, 東京、中外医学社、1998, 293-299.
8. 佐原弘益 MHC class IIによる内在性抗原処理提示機構.Annual Review 免疫2004, 東京、中外医学社、59-65, 2003.
9. 佐原弘益 他 第4版マクマリー生物有機化学 生化学編 東京、丸善出版 2014.
10. 佐原弘益 他 原著8版マクマリー生物有機化学 生化学編 東京、丸善出版 2017.
2). 総説
1. 高橋延昭、佐原弘益. ウニ卵子の精子受容体の分子構造. Molecular Medicine 1993, 30: 1594-1596.
2. 佐藤昇志、八十島孝博、佐原弘益、高橋秀史、菊地浩吉. 腫瘍細胞におけるトレランス. 炎症と免疫 1995, 3: 361-367.
3. 佐原弘益、 高橋延昭. ウニ由来の抗癌剤の開発. Bio-industry, 1997, 14: 10-15.
4. 佐原弘益、佐藤昇志、菊地浩吉. 細胞障害性T細胞と腫瘍抗原. 血液・腫瘍科、1997, 35: 88-93.
5. 佐原弘益、鍋田裕樹、佐藤昇志. 胃癌抗原のクローニングと免疫治療. 血液・腫瘍科、1999, 39: 1-7.
6. Sugawara, F., Hanashima, S., Mizusina, Y., Yamazaki, T., Ohta, K., Okada, M., Yamagata, T., Sakaguchi, K., Takahashi, S., Koshino, H., and Sahara, H. Approach of chemical biology: A case study on sulfolipids. From findings of natural products, structural determinations, chemical syntheses and pharmaceutical potentials to future therapeutic usage as a goal. Bull. Marine Biomed. Inst., Sapporo Med. Univ., 4: 7-18, 1999.
7. Hirai, I., Torigoe, T., Kamiguchi, K., Sahara, H., Takahashi, N., and Sato, N. Stress adaptation mechanisms of deep-sea microorganisms. Bull. Marine Biomed. Inst., Sapporo Med. Univ., 4: 55-59, 1999
8. 鍋田裕樹、佐原弘益、佐藤昇志. ヒト胃癌の抗原ペプチド解析. 現代医療、2000, 32: 1089-1095.
9. 佐藤昇志、池田英之、田村保明、佐原弘益、鳥越俊彦. ヒトがん免疫治療の現在と未来. 北海道医誌、2003, 78(1): 7-9.
10. 佐原弘益:内在性抗原のMHC class IIによる提示機構。臨床免疫、2004, 42(4): 448-454.
11. 佐原弘益:オートファジーによる内在性抗原のMHC class IIによる提示。臨床免疫・アレルギー科、2007, 47 (2): 137-142.
12. 田辺敦、佐原弘益、並河和彦:犬と猫の感染症. -ラボにおける遺伝子診断方法-. 東獣ジャーナル、2011, 540:12-14.
13. 本田真由美、佐原弘益、並河和彦: 犬と猫の感染症. -猫汎白血球減少症-. 東獣ジャーナル、2012, .
3). 原著
1. Sahara, H., Shimura, O., Kawato, Y., Suzuki, T and Fukuoka, T. Timing of superovulation treatment in postpartum Japanese black cows. Jpn. J. Anim. Reprod., 1991, 37: 33-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1262/jrd1977.37.33
2. Sahara, H., Fukuoka, H., Takahashi, N., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. Primary culture of cattle oviductal mucosal cell on collagen gel matrix. Proceeding of the 5th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Basic Reproductive Immunology, 1991, 134-137.
3. Sahara, H., Takashima, K., Kuwayama, M., Fukuoka, H., Takahashi, N., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. Development arrest factors for in vitro fertilization (I.V.F.) of bovine embryos produced by bovine oviductal mucosal cell co-culture with collagen gel matrix. Proceeding of the 6th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Immunology of Peroduction, 1992, 170-173.
4. Sahara, H., Takahashi, N., Sato, N., Ohnishi, R., Nishikawa, K., Ishikawa, M., Takahashi, S. and Kikuchi, K. Sea urchin intestine-derived cell growth inhibition factor of ras transformants of a rat-fetus fibroblast. Bull. Marine Biomed. Inst., Sapporo Med. Univ., 1993, 2: 7-14.
5. Sahara, H., Ishikawa, M., Takahashi, N., Sato, N., Nishikawa, K. and Kikuchi, K. Detection of peptide-like cell growth inhibition factor derived from the sea urchin intestine. Bull. Marine Biomed. Inst., Sapporo Med. Univ., 1993, 2: 15-20.
6. Takahashi, N., Sahara, H., Ishikawa, M., Sato, N., Hayakawa, Y. and Kikuchi, K. Secretory mode of the gonad-stimulating substance from supporting cells in the radial nerve of cushion star, Asterina pectinifera, in response to excess potassium. Bull. Marine Biomed. Inst., Sapporo Med. Univ., 1993, 2: 21-26.
7. Takahashi, N., Sato, N., Sahara, H., Hayakawa, Y., Ishikawa, M. and Kikuchi, K. Artificial induction of gonad contraction and spawning by 1-methyladenine in the sea urchin. Bull. Marine Biomed. Inst., Sapporo Med. Univ., 1993, 2: 27-30.
8. Takahashi, N., Sahara, H., Sato, N., Hayakawa, Y., Ishikawa, M. and Kikuchi, K. Induction of oocyte maturation by trypsin in the sea cucumber, Stichopus japonicus. Bull. Marine Biomed. Inst., Sapporo Med. Univ., 1993, 2: 31-34.
9. Sahara, H., Shimura, O., Ezoe, K., Suzuki, T., Fukuoka, H., Takahashi, N., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. Superovulatory response during the period of decrease in the number of ultrasonographically identified follicles in postpartum beef cows. J. Reprod. Dev., 1994, 40: 337-342. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1262/jrd.40.337
10. Machiguchi, Y., Takahashi, N., Sahara, H., Ishikawa, M., Akino, T., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. Flat-form reversion of ras-transformants by fucoidan from brown algae. J. Mar. Biotechnol., 1995, 2: 223-225.
11. Ishikawa, M., Takahashi, N., Sahara, H., Akino, T., Suzuki, E., Ejima, D., Sawada, M., Hayakawa, Y., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. One molecule among gonadal smooth muscle-contraction factors in the sea urchin is trigonelline. J. Mar. Biotechnol., 1995, 2: 230-233.
12. Denno, R., Yasoshima, T., Hirata, K., Kaya, M., Fujinaga, K., Ura, H., Shishido, T., Okada, Y., Sahara, H., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. Tumorigenecity, motility and liver metastasis of human gastric carcinoma lines with high metastatic potential in the liver of nude mice. Tumor Res., 1995, 30: 57-65.
13. Sahara, H., Ezoe, K., Fukuoka, H., Ohtomo, N., Tanaka, Y., Takahashi, N., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. Periodicity of ovarian follicles dynamics in postpartum cows demonstrated using time-series analysis based on the maximum entropy method. J. Reprod. Dev., 1996, 42: 117-124. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1262/jrd.42.117
14. Sahara, H., Gasa, S., Takahashi, N., Sato, N., Mori, M. and Kikuchi, K. Study of the cytotoxic mechanism of 3'-sulfonoquinovosyl 1'-monoacyl-glyceride isolated from sea urchin intestine. Bull. Marine Biomed. Inst., Sapporo Med. Univ., 1996, 3: 49-54.
15. Takahashi, N., Kawamura, H., Kinebuchi, M., Sahara, H., Sato, N., Mori, M. and Kikuchi, K. Sera of mammals, chickens and fish can induce gonadal smooth muscle concentration in the sea urchin. Bull. Marine Biomed. Inst., Sapporo Med. Univ., 1996, 3: 63-67.
16. Takahashi, N., Sahara, H., Mori, M., Ishikawa, M., Sawada, M., Hayakawa, Y., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. Simple method of artificial fertilization in the sea cucumber, Stichopus japonicus. Bull. Marine Biomed. Inst., Sapporo Med. Univ., 1996, 3: 69-70.
17. Sahara, H., Ishikawa, M., Takahashi, N., Ohtani, S., Sato, N., Gasa, S., Akino, T. and Kikuchi, K. In vivo antitumor effect of 3'-sulfonoquinovosyl 1'-monoacyl-glyceride, isolated from sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus intermedius) intestine. Brit. J. Cancer, 1997, 75: 324-332.
18. Mizushina, Y., Watanabe, I., Ohta, K., Takemura, M., Sahara, H., Takahashi, N., Gasa, S., Sugawara, F., Matsukage, A., Yoshida, S. and Sakaguchi, K. Studies on inhibitiors of mammalian DNA polymerase a and b. Biochemical Pharmacology, 1998, 55: 537-541.
19. Suzuki, K., Sahara, H., Okada, Y., Yasoshima, T., Hirohashi, Y, Nabeta, H., Hirai, I., Torigoe, T., Takahashi, S., Matuura, A., Takahashi, N., Sasaki, A., Suzuki, M., Hamuro, J., Ikeda, H., Wada, Y., Hirata, K., Kikuchi, K., and Sato, N. Identification of natural antigenic peptides of a human gastric signet ring cell carcinoma recognized by HLA-A31-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes. J. Immunol., 1999, 163: 2783-2791.
20. Akazawa, T., Hirai, I., Hirohashi, Y., Kamiguchi, K., Sahara, H., Torigoe, T., Nagasawa, S., Tamura, Y., and Sato, N. A novel negative regulator molecule, Cho-1, is involved in the cytottoxicity by human natural killer cells but not in cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Microbiol. Immunol., 1999, 43: 285-291.
21. Sato, N., Okada, Y., Suzuki, K., Sahara, H., Yasoshima, T., Hirohashi, Y., Nabeta, Y., Hirai, I., Torigoe, T., Takahashi, S., Takahashi, N., Sasaki, A., Suzuki, M., Hamuro, J., Ikeda, H., Wada, Y., Hirata, K., and Kikuchi, K. Natural antigenic peptides of gastric signet ring cell carcinomas. Gann Monogr. Japa. J. Cancer Res., 1999, 48: 31-41.
22. Matsumoto, Y., Sahara, H., Fujita, T., Hanashima, S., Yamazaki, T., Takahashi, S., Mizushina, Y., Ohta, K., Sugawara, F., Sakaguchi, K., Mori, M., Takahashi, N., and Sato, N. Inhibitory effect of mixed lymphocyte reaction by synthetic sulfolipids which are stereoisomers of sulfonoquiovosyldiacylglycerol derived from sea urchin. Bull. Marine Biomed. Inst., Sapporo Med. Univ., 1999, 4: 19-23.
23. Ohtani, S., Sahara, H., Takahashi, S., and Sato, N. Pathological and immunohistochemical analysis of anti-tumor effects of 3’-sulfonoquinovosyl 1’-monoacylglyceride extracted from sea urchin intestine on the human lung cancer cell line. Bull. Marine Biomed. Inst., Sapporo Med. Univ., 1999, 4: 25-29.
24. Takahashi, N., Ohtomo, N., Sahara, H., Sato, N., and Mori, M. Gonad response to ATP in the sea urchin. Bull. Marine Biomed. Inst., Sapporo Med. Univ., 1999, 4: 51-54.
25. Fukuoka, H., Ichikawa, T., Tsukahara, J., Takahashi, N., Sahara, H., Dogasaki, C., Shimada, E., and Ushikoshi, S. Early development of the sea urchin in deep ocean water of Kuroshio current basin of Shionomisaki offing. Bull. Marine Biomed. Inst., Sapporo Med. Univ., 1999, 4: 75-79.
26. Nabeta, Y., Sahara, H., Suzuki, K., Kondo, H., Nagata, M., Hirohashi, Y., Sato, Y., Wada, Y., Sato, T., Wada, T., Yamashita, T., Kikuchi, K., and Sato, N. Induction of CTL from peripheral blood of HLA-A31+ gastric cancer patients by in vitro stimulation with antigenic peptide of signet ring cell carcinoma. Jpn. J. Cancer Res., 2000, 91 (6): 616-621.
27. Mastumoto, Y., Sahara, H., Fujita, T., Hanashima, S., Yamazaki, T., Takahashi, S., Sugawara, F., Mizushina, Y., Ohta, K., Takahashi, N., Jimbow, K., Sakaguchi, K., and Sato, N. A novel immunosuppressive agent, SQDG, derived from sea urchin. Transplant Proc., 2000, 32 (7): 2051-2053.
28. Sato, N., Nabeta, Y., Kondo, H., Sahara, H., Hirohashi, Y., Kashiwagi, K., Kanaseki, Y., Sato, Y., Rong, S., Hirai, I., Kamiguchi, K., Tamura, Y., Matuura, A., Takahashi, S., and Torigoe, T. Human CD8 and CD4 T cell epitopes of epithelial cancer antigen. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 2000, 46: 86-90 .
29. Kanki, K., Torigoe, T., Hirai, I., Sahara, H., Kamiguchi, K., Tamura, Y., Yagihashi, A., and Sato, N. Molecular cloning of rat NK target structure; The possibility of CD44 involvement in NK cell-mediated lysis. Microbiol. Immunol. 2000, 44 (12): 1051-1061.
30. Hanashima, S., Mizushina, Y., Yamazaki, T., Ohta, K., Takahashi, S., Sahara, H., Sakaguchi, K. and Sugawara, F. Synthesis of sulfonoquinovosylacylglycerols, inhibitors of eukaryotic DNA polymerase alpha and beta. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2001, 9 (2): 367-376.
31. Maeda, A., Ohguro, H., Nabeta, Y., Hirohashi, Y., Sahara, H., Maeda, T., Wada, Y., Sato, T., Yun, C., Nishimura, Y., Torigoe, T., Kuroki, Y., and Sato, N. Identification of human antitumor cytotoxic T lymphocytes epitopes of recoverin, a cancer-associated retinopathy antigen, possibly related with a better prognosis in a paraneoplastic syndrome. Eur. J. Immunol. 2001, 31 (2): 563-572.
32. Maeda, T., Maeda, A., Maruyama, I., Ogawa, K., Kuroki, Y., Sahara, H., Sato, N., and Ohguro, H. Mechanisms of photoreceptor cell death in cancer-associated retinopathy. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2001, 42 (3): 705-712.
33. Sahara, H., Hanashima, S., Yamazaki, T., Takahashi, S., Sugawara, F., Ohtani, S., Ishikawa, M., Mizushina, Y., Ohta, K., Shimozawa, K., Gasa, S., Jimbow, K., Sakaguchi, K., Sato, N., Takahashi, N. Anti-tumor effect of chemically synthesized sulfolipids based on sea urchin’s natural sulfonoquinovosylmonoacylglycerols. Jpn. J. Cancer Res. 2002, 93 : 85-92.
34. Sahara, H., Nabeta, Y., Torigoe, T., Hirohashi, Y., Ichimiya, S., Wada, Y., Takahashi, N., Jimbow, K., Watanabe, N., Kikuchi, K., and Sato, N. A gene encoding human gastric signet ring cell carcinoma antigen recognized by HLA-A31-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes. J. Immunother., 2002, 25 (3): 235-242.
35. Rong, S., Ikeda, H., Sato, Y., Hirohashi, Y., Takamura, Y., Sahara, H., Sato, T., Maeda, A., Ohguro, H., and Sato, N. Frequent detection of anti-recoverin cytotoxic T-lymphocyte precursors in periheral blood of cancer patients by using an HLA-A24-recoverin tetramer. Cancer Immunol Immunother., 2002, 51: 282-290.
36. Sato, Y., Nabeta, Y., Tsukahara, T., Hirohashi, Y., Syunsui, R., Maeda, A., Sahara, H., Ikeda, H., Torigoe, T., Ichimiya, S., Wada, T., Yamashita, T., Hiraga, H., Kawai, A., Ishii, T., Araki, N., Myoui, A., Matsumoto, S., Umeda, T., Ishii, S., Kawaguchi, S., and Sato, N. Detection and induction of CTLs specific for SYT- SYT- derived peptides in HLA-A24 (+) patients with synovial sacroma. J. Immunol., 2002, 169 (3): 1611-1618.
37. Matsumoto, Y., Sahara, H., Fujita, T., Shimozawa, K., Takenouchi, M., Torigoe, T., Hanashima, S., Yamazaki, T., Takahashi, S., Sugawara, F., Mizushina, Y., Ohta, K., Takahashi, N., Gasa, S., Jimbow, K., Sakaguchi, K., and Sato, N. An immunosuppressive effect by synthetic sulfonolipids deduced from sulfonoquinovosyl diacylglycerols of sea urchin. Transplantation, 2002, 74 (2): 261-267.
38. Kondo, K., Sahara, H., Miyazaki, A., Nabeta, Y., Hirohashi, Y., Kaneseki, T., Yamaguchi, A., Yamada, N., Hirayama, K., Suzuki, M., Hamuro, J., Torigoe, T., Takahashi, N., Kohama, G., Ikeda, H., and Sato, N. Natural antigenic peptides from squamous cell carcinoma recognized by autologous HLA-DR8-restricted CD4+ T cells. Jpn. J. Cancer Res., 2002, 93: 917-924.
39. Sato, Y., Sahara, H., Tsukahara, T., Kondo, M., Hirohashi, Y., Nabeta, Y., Kawaguchi, S., Ikeda, H., Torigoe, T., Ichimiya, S., Wada, T., Yamashita, T., Goto, M., Takasu, H., and Sato, N. Improved generation of HLA class I/peptide tetramers. J. Immunological Methods, 2002, 271: 177-184.
40. Sahara, H. and Shastri, N. Second class minors. Molecular identification of the autosomal H46 histocompatibility locus as a peptide presented by MHC class II molecules. J. Exp. Med., 2003, 197: 375-385.
41. Nabeta Y, Kawaguchi S, Sahara H, Ikeda H, Hirohashi Y, Goroku T, Sato Y, Tsukahara T, Torigoe T, Wada T, Kaya M, Hiraga H, Isu K, Yamawaki S, Ishii S, Yamashita T, Sato N. Recognition by cellular and humoral autologous immunity in a human osteosarcoma cell line. J Orthop Sci. 2003, 8(4):554-559.
42. Ida K, Kawaguchi S, Sato Y, Tsukahara T, Nabeta Y, Sahara H, Ikeda H, Torigoe T, Ichimiya S, Kamiguchi K, Wada T, Nagoya S, Hiraga H, Kawai A, Ishii T, Araki N, Myoui A, Matsumoto S, Ozaki T, Yoshikawa H, Yamashita T, Sato N. Crisscross CTL induction by SYT-SSX junction peptide and its HLA-A*2402 anchor substitute. J Immunol. 2004 173(2):1436-43.
43. K. Matsumoto, M. Takenouchi, K. Ohta, Y. Ohta, T. Imura, M. Oshige, Y. Yamamoto, H. Sahara, H. Sakai, M. Abe, F. Sugawara, N. Sato, K. Sakaguchi, Design of vesicles of 1,2-di-O-acyl-3-O-(β-D-sulfoquinovosyl)-glyceride bearing two stearic acids (β-SQDG-C18), a novel immunosuppressive drug Biochem Pharmacol. 2004 Dec 15;68(12):2379-86.
44. Tsuruma T, Sahara H, Takenouchi M, Yagihashi A, Iwayama Y, Shima H, Furuhata T, Torigoe T, Hanashima S, Yamazaki T, Sugawara F, Mizushina Y, Ohta K, Sakaguchi K, Sato N, Hirata K. Synthetic sulfonolipids deduced from sulfonoquinovosyl diacylglycerols of sea urchin reduces hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats. Transplant Proc. 2004 Sep;36(7):1965-9.
45. Yamamoto, Y., Sahara, H., Takenouchi, M., Matsumoto, Y., Imai, A., Fujita, T., Tamura, Y., Takahashi, N., Gasa, S., Matsumoto, K., Ohta, K., Sugawara, F., Sakaguchi, K., Jimbow, K. and Sato, N. Inhibition of CD62L+ T cell response in vitro via a novel sulfo-glycolipid, b-SQAG9 liposome that binds to CD62L molecule on the cell surface. Cellular Immunol., 2004, 232: 105-115.
46. Kawaguchi S, Wada T, Ida K, Sato Y, Nagoya S, Tsukahara T, Kimura S, Sahara H, Ikeda H, Shimozawa K, Asanuma H, Torigoe T, Hiraga H, Ishii T, Tatezaki S, Sato N, and Yamashita T. Phase I vaccination trial of SYT-SSX junction peptide in patients with disseminated synovial sarcoma. J. Transl. Med., 2005, 3, 1-9.
47. Takenouchi, M., Sahara, H., Yamamoto,Y., Matsumoto, Y., Imai, A., Fujita, T., Tamura, Y., Takahashi, N., Gasa, S., Matsumoto, K., Ohta, M., Sugawara, F., Sakaguchi, K., Jimbow, K., Sato, N. : The mechanism of immunosuppressive effect in vivo of novel immunosuppressive drug, β-SQAG9 that inhibits the response of CD62L+ T cell subset. Transplant Proc., 2005 37,139-142.
48. Shima H, Tsuruma, T., Sahara, H., Takenouchi, M., Takahashi, N.,. Yagihashi, A., Sato, N., Hirata. K. : Treatment by sulfonoquinovosylacylglycerols-No.9 (SQAG-9), which was derived from sea urchin intestines, prevent rat hepatic ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. Transplant Proc., 2005 37, 417-21.
49. Suzuki, K., Tanaka, H., Sahara, H., Naruse, T., Inoko, H., Tsushima, K., Kubo, K., Abe, S. and Sato, N. HLA class II DPB1, DQA1, DQB1 and DRB1 genotypic associations with occupational allergic cough to Bunashimeji mushroom. Tissue Antigen, 2005, 65:459-466.
50. Hatakeyama, N., Tamura, Y., Sahara, H., Suzuki, N., Suzuki, K., Hori, T., Mizue, N., Torigoe, T., Tsutsumi, H., and Sato, N. Induction of autologous CD4- and CD8-mediated T-cell responses against acute lymphocytic leukemia cell line using apoptotic tumor cell-loaded dendritic cells. Exp Hematol. 2006, 34:197-207.
51. Sakimoto, I., Ohta, K., Yamazaki, T., Ohtani, S., Sahara, H., Sugawara, F., Sakaguchi, K. and Miura, M. α-Sulfoquinovosylmonoacylglycerol (α-SQMG) Is A Novel Potent Radiosensitizer Targeting Tumor Angiogenesis. Cancer Res., 2006, 66: 2287-2295.
52. Maeda, N., Kokai, Y., Ohtani, S., Sahara, H., Kuriyama, I., Kamisuki, S., Takahashi, S., Sakaguchi, K., Sugawara, F., Yoshida, H., Sato, N., Mizushina, Y. Anti-tumor effects of hydroaltenusin, a specific inhibitor of mammalian DNA plolymerase a. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 2007, 352: 390-396.
53. Shima, H., Tsuruma, T., Sahara, H., Takenouchi, M., Takahashi, N., Iwayama, Y., Yagihashi, A., Watanabe, N., Sato, N., and Hirata, K. Protective mechanism of b-SQAG9 liposome, which was sulfonoglycolipid extracted from sea urchin intestines, against hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury. Shock 2007, 28: 94-100.
54. Imai. A., Sahara, H., Tamura, Y., Jimbow, K., Saito, T., Ezoe, K., Yotsuyanagi, T., and Sato, N. Inhibition of endogenous MHC class II-restricted antigen presentation by tacrolimus (FK506) via FKBP51. Eur. J. Immunol., 2007, 37:1730-1738.
55. Maeda, H., Sahara, H., Mori, Y., Torigoe, T., Kamiguchi, K., Tamura, Y., Tamura, Y., Hirata, K., and Sato, N. Biological heterogeneity of the peptide binding motif of the 70-kDa heat shock protein by surface plasmon resonance analysis. J. Biol. Chem., 2007, 282: 26956-26962.
56. Kurotaki, T., Tamura, Y., Ueda, G., Oura, J., Kutomi, G., Hirohashi, Y., Sahara, H., Torigoe, T., Hiratsuka, H., Sunakawa, H., Hirata, K., and Sato, N. Efficient cross-presentation by heat shock protein 90 peptide complex-loaded dendritic cells via an endosomal pathway. J. Immunol., 2007, 179(3):1803-13.
57. Tanaka, T., Kitamura, H., Sahara, H., Imai, A., Itoh, Y., Honma, I., Ohta, K., Sugawara, F., Sakaguchi, K., Ando, A., Inoko, H., Sato, N., and Tsukamoto, T. Effects of a new immunosuppressive agent, b-SQAG9, in swine kidney transplantation. Transplant Immunol., 2007, 18, 67-71.
58. Maeda, N., Yoshida, H., Sato, N., Mizushina, Y., Kokai, Y., Ohtani, S., Sahara, H., Hada, T., Ishimaru, C., Kuriyama, I., Yonezawa, Y., and Iijima, H. Anti-tumor effects of the glycolipids fraction from spinach which inhibited DNA polymerase activity. Nutr. Cancer, 2007. 57: 216-223.
59. Mori, Y., Sahara, H., Matsumoto, K., Takahashi, N., Yamazaki, T., Ohta, K., Aoki, S., Miura, M., Sugawara, F., Sakaguchi, K., and Sato, N. Downregulation of Tie2 gene by a novel antitumor sulfolipid, 3’-sulfoquinovosyl-1’-monoacylglycerol (SQMG), targeting angiogenesis. Cancer Sci. 2008. 99: 1063-1070.
60. Kamiguchi K, Torigoe T, Fujiwara O, Ohshima S, Hirohashi Y, Sahara H, Hirai I, Kohgo Y, Sato N. Disruption of the association of 73 kDa heat shock cognate protein with transporters associated with antigen processing (TAP) decreases TAP-dependent translocation of antigenic peptides into the endoplasmic reticulum. Microbiol Immunol. 2008. 52(2):94-106.
61. Maeda N, Kokai Y, Ohtani S, Sahara H, Kumamoto-Yonezawa Y, Kuriyama I, Hada T, Sato N, Yoshida H, Mizushina Y. Anti-tumor effect of orally administered spinach glycolipid fraction on implanted cancer cells, colon-26, in mice. Lipids. 2008. 43(8):741-748.
62. Matsumoto Y, Fujita T, Hirai I, Sahara H, Torigoe T, Ezoe K, Saito T, Cruikshank WW, Yotsuyanagi T, Sato N. Immunosuppressive effect on T cell activation by interleukin-16- and interleukin-10-cDNA-double-transfected human squamous cell line. Burns. 2009. 35: 383-389.
63. Sato N, Hirohashi Y, Tsukahara T, Kikuchi T, Sahara H, Ichimiya S, Tamura Y and Torigoe T. Molecular pathologic approaches to human tumor immunology. Pathol. Int. 2009. 59: 205-217.
64. Taguchi M, Namikawa K, Maruo T, Lynch J, Sahara H. Antibodies to parvovirus, distemper virus and adenovirus conferred to household dogs using commercial combination vaccines containing Leptospira bacterin. Vet. Rec. 2010 Dec 11;167(24): 931-4.
65. Nemoto Y, Maruo T, Sato T, Deguchi T, Ito T, Sugiyama H, Ishikawa T, Madarame H, Watanabe T, Shida T, Sahara H. Identification of cancer stem cells derived from a canine lung adenocarcinoma cell line. Vet. Pathol. 2011. 48(5):1029-34.
66. Yasuno K, Takagi Y, Kobayashi R, Ohmuro T, Kamiie J, Sahara H, Shirota K. Mammary adenoma with sebaceous differentiation in a dog. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 2011. 23(4): 832-835.
67. Yasuno K, Kobayashi R, Ohmuro T, Kamiie J, Sahara H, Shirota K. Caudal vascular hemartoma accompanied by aberrant arteriovenous structures in a dog. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 2011. 23(5): 1051-1055.
68. Morohashi K, Sahara H, Watashi K, Iwabata K, Sunoki T, Kuramochi K, Takakusagi K, Miyashita H, Sato N, Tanabe A, Shimotohno K, Kobayashi S, Sakaguchi K, Sugawara F. Cyclosporin A associated helicase-like protein facilitates the association of hepatitis C virus RNA polymerase with its cellular cofactor cyclophilin B. PLoS ONE 2011.6(4):e18285.
69. Oura J, Tamura Y, Kamiguchi K, Kutomi G, Sahara H, Torigoe T, Sato N. Extracellular heat shock protein 90 plays a role in translocating chaperoned antigen from endosome to proteasome for generating antigenic peptide to be cross-presented by dendritic cells. Int. Immunol. 2011.23(4):223-237.
70. Taguchi M, Namikawa K, Maruo T, Orito K, Lynch J, Sahara H. Antibody titers for canine parvovirus type-2, canine distemper virus and canine adenovirus type-1 in adult household dogs. Can. Vet. J. 2011. 52(9):983-986.
71. Taguchi M, Namikawa K, Maruo T, Orito K, Lynch J, Tsuchiya R, Sahara H. Booster effect of canine distemper, canine parvovirus infection and infectious canine hepatitis combination vaccine in domesticated adult dogs. Microbiol. Immunol. 2012. 56(8)579-582.
72. Matsuki K, Tanabe A, Hongo A, Sugawara F, Sakaguchi K, Takahashi N, Sato N, Sahara H. Anti-angiogenesis effect of 3’-sulfoquinovosyl-1’-monoacylglycerol (SQMG) via upregulation of thrombospondin 1. Cancer Sci. 2012. 103(8):1546-1552.
73. Namikawa K, Maruo T, Fukuyama Y, Ito T, Watanabe M, Lynch J, Orito K, Sahara H, Shida T. Prevalence of mecA gene and antimicrobiotic susceptibility in Staphylococci taken from dogs with tumors with no signs of dermatitis and healthy dogs. Int. J. Appl. Res. Vet. Med. 2012. 10 (2): 157-163.
74. Taguchi M, Namikawa K, Maruo T, Orito K, Lynch J, Sahara H. Effects of body weight on antibody titers against canine parvovirus type 2, canine distemper virus, and canine adenovirus type 1 in vaccinated domestic adult dogs. Can. Vet. J. 2012. 76(4):317-319.
75. Tanabe A, Konno J, Tanikawa K, Sahara H. Transcriptional machinery of TNF--inducible YTH domain containing 2 (YTHDC2) gene. GENE 2014. 535:24-32.
76. Namikawa K, Tanabe A, Satake S, Enishi H, Kusaka H, Ide N, Neo S, Lynch J, Orito K, Morita T, and Sahara H. Canine Orientia tsutsugamushi infection: Report of a case and its epidemicity. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2014. 45:395-401.
77. Tanabe A, Deguchi T, Sato T, Nemoto Y, Maruo T, Madarame H, Shida T, Naya Y, Ogihara K and Sahara H. Radioresistance of cancer stem-like cell derived from canine tumor. Vet Comp Oncol, 2016 Sep;14(3):e93-e101. doi: 10.1111/vco.12110. Epub 2014 Jul 28.
78. Shishido T, Hachisuka M, Ryuzaki K, Miura Y, Tanabe A, Tamura Y, Kusayanagi T, Takeuchi T, Kamisuki S, Sugawara F, Sahara H. EpsinR, a target for pyrenocine B, role in endogenous MHC-II-restricted antigen presentation. Eur J Immunol, 2014. 44(11):3220-31.
79. Shiga T, Sahara H, and Orito K. Combination of cilostazol and L-carnitine improves walking performance in peripheral arterial disease model rats. Pharmacology 2015. 96: 210-216.
80. Izaguirre-Carbonell J, Kawakubo H, Murata H, Tanabe A, Takeuchi T, Kusayanagi T, Tsukuda S, Hirakawa T, Iwabata K, Kanai Y, Ohta K, Miura M, Sakaguchi K, Matsunaga S, Sahara H, Kamisuki S, Sugawara F. Novel anticancer agent, SQAP, binds to focal adhesion kinase and modulate its activity. Scientific Reports, 2015. 5:15136, doi: 10.1038/srep15136.
81. Tanabe A, Tanikawa K, Tsunetomi M, Takai K, Ikeda H, Konno J, Torigoe T, Maeda H, Kutomi G, Okita K, Mori M, and Sahara H. RNA helicase YTHDC2 promotes cancer metastasis via the enhancement of the efficiency by which HIF-1a mRNA is translated. Cancer Letters, 2016, 376: 34-42.
82. Ruike T, Kanai Y, Iwabata K, Matsumoto Y, Murata H, Ishima M, Ohta K, Oshige M, Katsura S, Kuramochi K, Kamisuki S, Sahara H, Miura M, Sugawara F, Sakaguchi K. Distribution and metabolism of 14C-Sulfoquinovosylacylpropanediol (14C-SQAP) after a single intravenous administration in tumor-bearing mice. Xenobiotica, 2019 49: 346-362. doi: 10.1080/00498254.2018.1448949.
83. Yoshioka C, Maruo T, Nishikawa Y, Hosaka S, Fukutama Y, and Sahara H. Sulfoquinovosyl Acyl Panediol (SQAP) as a radiation sensitizer for dogs with tumors: A pilot study. 麻布大学雑誌 31巻, 53-59, 2019.
84. Tanabe A, Kobayashi D, Maeda H, Taguchi M and Sahara H. Angiogenesis-related gene expression profile in clinical cases of canine cancer. Vet Med Sci.,2019, 5:19-29. (Published online: 28 September 2018: doi: 10.1002/vms3.127.
85. Myobatake Y, Kamisuki S, Tsukuda S, Higashi T, Chinen T, Takemoto K, Hachisuka M, Suzuki Y, Takei M, Tsurukawa Y, Maekawa H, Takeuchi T, Matsunaga TM, Sahara H, Usui T, Matsunaga S, Sugawara F. Pyrenocine A induces monopolar spindle formation and suppresses proliferation of cancer cells. Bioorg Med Chem., 2019 Dec 1;27(23):115149. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2019.115149.
86. Tanabe A, Shimizu R, Osawa Y, Suzuki M, Ito S, Goto M, Pastene LA, Fujise Y, Sahara H. Age estimation by DNA methylation in Antarctic minke whale. Fish. Sci., 2020, 86: 35-41 [Published online: 24 October 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s12562-019-01371-7.
87. Tanabe A and Sahara H. The metabolic heterogeneity and flexibility of cancer stem cells. Cancers. 2020, Oct; 12 (10): 2780. doi:10.3390/cancers12102780.
88. Kawakubo H, Kamisuki S, Izaguirre-Carbonell J, Murata H, Tanabe A, Hongo A, Murakami H, Sakaguchi K, Sahara H, Sugawara F, Kuramochi K. SQAP, an acyl sulfoquinovosyl derivative, suppresses expression of histone deacetylase and induces cell death of cancer cells under hypoxic conditions. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. doi: 10.1093/bbb/zbaa015. 2021, 85:85-91.
89. Tanabe A, Kimura K, Tazawa H, Masayuki T, Sahara H. Functional analysis of CD44 variants and xCT in canine tumors. Vet. Med. Sci., 2021, 7:577-585. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/vms3.397.
90. Tanabe A, Nakayama T, Kashiyanagi J, Yamaga H, Hirohashi Y, Torigoe T, Satomi F, Shima H, Maeda H, Kutomi G, Takemasa I, and Sahara H. YTHDC2 promotes malignant phenotypes of breast cancer cells. J. Oncology, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9188920,
4). 国際学会、シンポジウム講演発表
1. Takahashi, N., Ishikawa, M., Sahara, H., Akino, T., Suzuki, E., Ejima D., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. One molecule among contraction factors occurring at the of tissue iinjury in the sea urchin is trigonelline. International Symposium on Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration.: 1995 February 22-24: Hiroshima, Japan.
2. Chiba, T., Takahashi, S., Oguri-Hyakumachi, N., Sahara, H., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. Increased intercellular glutathione levels protect human T leukemia cells from Fas-mediated apoptosis. Experimental Biology 95.: 1995 April 9-13: Atlanta, U.S.A.
3. Sahara, H., Ishikawa, M., Takahashi, N., Fukuoka, H., Abe, H., Hoshi, H., Takahashi, S., Ohtani, S., Sato, N., Akino, T. and Kikuchi, K. Growth-inhibitory factor produced by bovine oviductal mucosal cells. Experimental Biology 95.: 1995 April 9-13: Atlanta, U.S.A.
4. Okada, Y., Sato, N., Yasoshima, T., Wada, Y., Sahara, H., Torigoe, T., Takahashi, S., Kikuchi, K. and Hirata, K. Analysis of a peptide recognized by gastric cancer-specific human autologous cytotoxic T cell. International Gastro-Surgical Club.: 1995 December 3-6: Bangkok Thailand.
5. Sogahata, K., Torigoe, T., Inoue, A., Sahara, H., Kamiguchi, K., Kaneko, M., Taya, Y., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. Retinoblastoma protein pRb interacts directly with 73 kD heat shock cognate protein via pRb N-terminal region containing hydrophobic amino acids. FASEB Annual Meeting, New Orleans, June 2-6, 1996.
6. Torigoe, T., Sogahata, K., Ishikawa, M., Sahara, H., Taya, Y., Kaneko, M., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. 73 kD heat shock cognate protein functions as a molecular chaperone of retinoblastoma protein. Minisymposium, Regulation of Cell Cycle, The 88th Ann, Meeting of American Assoc. Cancer Res., San Diego, April 12-16, 1997.
7. Torigoe, T., Sogahata, K., Ishikawa, M., Sahara, H., Fujiwara, O., Hirai, I., Taya, Y., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. Stress protein HSP70 as a molecular chaperone of the retioblastoma protein. International Congress of Stress: STRESS of LIFE Congress, Stress and Adaptation from Molecules to Man.: 1997 July 1-5.: Budapest, Hungary.
8. Fujiwara, O., Torigoe, T., Kamiguchi, K., Sahara, H., Hirai, I., Ishikawa, M., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. Stress protein HSC73 as a shuttle for antigenic peptide transportation in cytoplasm. International Congress of Stress: STRESS of LIFE Congress, Stress and Adaptation from Molecules to Man.: 1997 July 1-5.: Budapest, Hungary
9. Sahara, H., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. Antigenic peptides of HLA-A31-restricted gastric signet ring cell carcinomas. Symposium on “Identification of human tumor antigens and perspectives of new immunotherapy. 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Immunology, Symposia, Sapporo, Oct. 29-31, 1997.
10. Sato, N., Sahara, H., Torigoe, T., Wada, Y., Hirata, K. and Kikuchi, K. Natural antigenic peptides of HLA-A31-restricted gastric signet ring cell carcinomas. International Symposium on Recent Advances of Human Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy., February 8-10, Sapporo, Japan, 1998.
11. Sahara, H., Sato, N., Suzuki, K., Hirohashi, Y., Torigoe, T., Nabeta, H., Kondoh, H., Nagata, M., Hirai, I., Takahashi, S., Takahashi, N., Yamada, M., Suzuki, M., Hamuro, J. and Kikuchi, K. Identification of natural antigenic peptides of gastric signet ring cell carcinomas. International Symposium on Recent Advances of Human Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy., February 8-10, Sapporo, Japan, 1998.
12. Fujiwara, O., Torigoe, T., Sahara, H., Hirai, I., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. Stress proteins HSC73 as a shuttle for antigenic peptides transportation in cytoplasm. International Symposium on Recent Advance of Human Tumor and Immunotherapy., February 8-10, Sapporo, Japan, 1998.
13. Hatamoto, K., Torigoe, T., Ishikawa, M., Sahara, H., Sawada, M., Taya, Y., Kaneko, M., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. 73kD heat shock protein function as a molecular chaperone of retinoblastoma protein. International Conference on Dynamics and Regulation of the Stress Response., March9-12, Kyoto, Japan, 1998.
14. Fujiwara, O., Torigoe, T., Sahara, H., Hirai, I., Sato, N. and Kikuchi, K. Stress proteins HSC73 as a shuttle for antigenic peptide transportation in cytoplasm. International Conference on Dynamics and Regulation of the Stress Response., March 9-12, Kyoto, Japan, 1998.
15. Torigoe, T., Fujiwara, O., Kamiguchi, K., Hirohashi, Y., Sahara, H., Hirai, I., Kishi, A., Nakagawa, T., Kikuchi, K. and Sato, N. 73 kDa heat-shock cognate protein functions as a morecular chaperone of MHC class I-presentable antigenic peptides in the cytoplasm. International Conference on Heat-Shock Proteins in Immune Response., October 12-15, Framington, CT, U.S.A., 1998.
16. 佐藤昇志、佐原弘益、鳥越俊彦 がんワクチン. 第25回日本医学総会レクチャー、4月2−4日、 東京、1999.
17. Ohshima, S., Torigoe, T., Yoshida, H., Kamiguchi, K., Fujiwara, Tamura, Y., Hirohashi, Y., Sahara, H., Nakagawa, T. and Sato, N. Intracellular polyamine regulates MHC class I antigen presentation by affecting the interaction between 73kD heat shock protein and TAPI. II international Conference Heat Shock Proteins in Immune Response., October 8-12, Farmington, CT, USA, 2000.
18. 廣橋良彦、池田英之、柏木清輝、前田亜希子、佐藤百合子、Rong Shunsui、鍋田裕樹、佐原弘益、鳥越俊彦、佐藤昇志 ヒト上皮性悪性腫瘍株を認識するCTLの樹立とその抗原. 第13回日本バイオセラピー学会学術集会総会指定ワークショップ、12月6−7日、東京、2000.
19. Tsuruma.T, Yagihashi.A, Takenouchi M, Sahara H, Watanabe.N, Sato N, Hirata.K. SULFONOQUINOVOSYLACYLGLYCEROLS-NO.9 (SQAG-9), WHICH WAS DERIVED FROM SEA URCHIN INTESTINES, REDUCES RAT HEPATIC ISCHEMIA-REPERFUSION (I/R) INJURY. Asia Transplantation, Sept . 23-26, Malasia 2003.
20. Sahara H, Takahashi N, Shastri N, and Sato N. Processing pathway of MHC class II-restricted endogenous antigen. 33th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Immunology, Symposia, Hakata, Dec. 8-10, 2003.
21. Takenouchi, M., Sahara, H., Yamamoto,Y., Matsumoto, Y., Imai, A., Fujita, T., Tamura, Y., Takahashi, N., Gasa, S., Matsumoto, K., Ohta, M., Sugawara, F., Sakaguchi, K., Jimbow, K., Sato, N. : The mechanism of immunosuppressive effect in vivo of novel immunosuppressive drug, β-SQAG9 that inhibits the response of CD62L+ T cell subset. XX International Congress of The Transplantation Society, Vienna, Austria, September 5-10, 2004. Supplement to Transplantation, 2004, 78 (2): 604.
22. Shima H, T. Tsuruma, H. Sahara, M. Takenouchi, N. Takahashi, A. Yagihashi, N. Sato, K. Hirata. : Pre-treatment by sulfonoquinovosylacylglycerols-No.9 (SQAG-9), which was derived from sea urchin intestines, prevent rat hepatic ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. XX International Congress of The Transplantation Society, Vienna, Austria, September 5-10, 2004. Supplement to Transplantation, 2004, 78 (2): 214.
23. Imai, A., Sahara, H., Takanouchi, M., Yamamoto, Y., Matsumoto, Y., Fujita, T., Tamura, Y., Takahashi, N., Gasa, S., Matsumoto, K., Ohta, K., Sugawara, F., Sakaguchi, K., Jimbow, K., Sato, N. An immunosuppressive effect by b-SQAG9 on swine allogeneic skin grafting. XX International Congress of The Transplantation Society, Vienna, Austria, September 5-10, 2004. Supplement to Transplantation, 2004, 78 (2): 735.
24. Shima, H, Tsuruma, T, Sahara, H, Takenouchi, M, Takahashi, N, Iwayama, Y, Yagihashi, A, Watanabe, N, Sato, N, Hirata, K. Sulfo-glycolipid, β-SQAG9 which was derived from sea urchin intestines, attenuates rat hepatic ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. 19th International Society for Digestive Surgery, Yokohama, Japan, December 8-11, 2004.
25. Sahara, H., Imai, A., Mori, Y., Mita, H., Tamura, Y., Takahashi, N., Shastri, N., and Sato, N. Motif structure of minor histocompatibility antigen for MHC class II-restricted presentation. 94th Annual Meeting of The American Association of Immunologists, Florida, USA, May 18-22, 2007.
26. Fukunaga, K., Sahara, H., Orito, K. Effect of St John’s Wort on pharmacokinetics of cyclosporine and cytochrome P450 gene expression in dogs. ACVIM FORUM, Anaheim, CA, USA, June 9-12, 2010.
27. Watashi K, Sahara H, Morohashi K, Iwabata K, Sunoki T, Kuramochi K, Takakusagi K, Miyashita H, Sato N, Tanabe A, Konno J, Shimotohno K, Kobayashi S, Sakaguchi K, Sugawara F, Identification of a novel cellular RNA helicase-like protein as a target for cyclosporin A that is involved in hepatitis C virus genome replication. 18th International Symposium on Hepatitis C Virus and Related Viruses, Seattle, WA, USA, September 8-12, 2011.
28. Sahara H and Tanabe A. Radioresistance of canine cancer stem-like cell that was purified by based on aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity. International Society for Stem Cell Research, CA, USA, 22-25 June, 2016.
29. Yamada Y, Goya S, Takahashi M, Takahashi T, Hongo A, Nemoto Y, Miyazaki T, Sahara H, Nakayama T. Effectiveness of short-term SQAP with radiation therapy for oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in 6 cats. Vet Cancer Sci, Texas USA, Oct 17-19, 2019
5). 知的所有権
1. 発明の名称;ヒト胃癌抗原遺伝子および胃癌抗原蛋白質、出願番号;特願平10-197852 (1998.7.13), 出願人;味の素株式会社、菊地浩吉 発明者;菊地浩吉、佐藤昇志、鳥越俊彦、佐原弘益、鈴木学、羽室淳爾
2. 発明の名称;新規なスルホラムノシルアシルグリセロール誘導体およびその医薬としての用途、出願番号;特願平11-051396 (1999.2.26), 国際出願番号;PCT/JP00/00972 (2000.2.21) 出願人;東洋水産株式会社 発明者;山崎隆之、菅原二三男、太田慶祐、正木和好、中山小太郎、坂口謙吾、佐藤昇志、佐原弘益、藤田龍哉
3. 発明の名称;スルホピラノシルアシルグリセロール誘導体を含有する医薬、出願番号;特願平11-051397 (1999.2.26), 国際出願番号;PCT/JP00/00973 (2000.2.21) 出願人;東洋水産株式会社 発明者;山崎隆之、菅原二三男、太田慶祐、正木和好、中山小太郎、坂口謙吾、佐藤昇志、佐原弘益、藤田龍哉
4. 発明の名称;新規なスルホラムノシルアシルグリセロール誘導体およびその医薬としての用途、出願番号;特願平11-051398 (1999.2.26), 国際出願番号;PCT/JP00/00974 (2000.2.21) 出願人;東洋水産株式会社 発明者;山崎隆之、菅原二三男、太田慶祐、正木和好、中山小太郎、坂口謙吾、佐藤昇志、佐原弘益、藤田龍哉
5. 発明の名称;グルコース体の免疫抑制剤、出願番号;特願平11-065208 (1999.3.11), 国際出願番号;PCT/JP00/0123 1(2000.3.2) 出願人;東洋水産株式会社 発明者;山崎隆之、菅原二三男、太田慶祐、正木和好、中山小太郎、坂口謙吾、佐藤昇志、佐原弘益、藤田龍哉
6. 発明の名称;新規ヒト癌・精巣抗原及びその遺伝子、特許:第4503801号 出願番号:特願2000-274218、出願日、平成12年9月8日、出願人;科学技術振興事業団、発明者;瀧本将人、葛巻暹、佐藤昇志、佐原弘益
7. 発明の名称;ガラクトース体の免疫抑制剤、国際出願番号;PCT/JP01/05942 (2001.7.9) 出願人;東洋水産株式会社 発明者;太田慶祐、坂口謙吾、浅野紀子、竹ノ内美香、正木和好、佐藤昇志、藤田龍哉、佐原弘益
8. 発明の名称;マンノース体の免疫抑制剤、国際出願番号;PCT/JP01/10125 (2001.11.20) 出願人;東洋水産株式会社 発明者;太田慶祐、坂口謙吾、浅野紀子、竹ノ内美香、正木和好、佐藤昇志、藤田龍哉、佐原弘益
9. 発明の名称:新規なスルホン酸化糖誘導体およびその医薬としての使用、特願2007−190120, PCT/JP2008/063056 (2008.7.18) 出願人;東洋水産株式会社 発明者;太田慶祐、三浦雅彦、坂口謙吾、菅原二三男、佐藤昇志、佐原弘益、高橋延昭、森陽子、山崎隆之、正木和好
10. 発明名称:シクロスポリンA結合タンパク質、特願2007−217755 (2007.8.24) 、国際出願番号:PCT/JP2008/065015(2008.8.22) 出願人;北海道公立学校法人札幌医科大学 発明者;佐原弘益、森陽子、高橋延昭、佐藤昇志、菅原二三男、坂口謙吾、諸橋賢吾、岩端一樹、渡士幸一、下遠野邦忠、菊地浩吉、傳亘、宮下広樹
11. 発明名称:甘味料およびその利用方法、特願2017-190389 (整理番号J-10021) (H29. 9.29) 国際特許分類:A61K 31/7004 発明者;アクティブ株式会社 金井良博、類家竜司、菅原二三男、坂口謙吾、阿部正彦、木戸茂、麻布大学 佐原弘益 出願人;アクティブ株式会社,学校法人麻布獣医学園
研究課題「MHC class IIに提示されるヒト癌抗原の分子クローニングとそのワクチン効果」
平成19年度文部科学省科学研究費補助金 基盤研究C
研究課題「MHC class II提示内在性抗原のFKBP51依存性新規抗原提示機構の解析」
平成30年度文部科学省研究費補助金 基盤研究C
平成12年度 日本宇宙フォーラム、宇宙環境利用に関する地上研究補助
平成12年度 ホクサイテック財団研究開発産業化促進補助金
7). 所属学会
日本癌学会 (平成5〜現在)
日本免疫学会 (平成9〜現在)
The American Association of Immunologists 1/1999〜2015
The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) 2008-2013
平成22年4月〜 :臨床ストレス応答学会 評議員
2018,9 - 2019,9 :Editorial board member of Journal of Oncology Research
2022,6 : Editorial board member of Immuno (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/immuno/editors)