食品栄養学研究室にかかわる 主な発表論文,報告書 (2009~2020年)
37: Harauma A, Sueyasu T, Tokuda H, Yasuda H, Hoshi Y, Kaneda Y, Rogi T, Shibata H, Nakamura T M, Moriguchi T, Changes in behavior and fatty acid composition induced by long-term reduction in murine Δ6-desaturation activity, Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 155: 102079 (2020).
36: Kuroda Y, Matsuzaki K, Wakatsuki H, Shido O, Harauma A, Moriguchi T, Sugimoto H, Yamaguchi S, Yoshino K, Hashimoto M, Influence of Ultra-High Hydrostatic Pressurizing Brown Rice on Cognitive Functions and Mental Health of Elderly Japanese Individuals: A 2-Year Randomized and Controlled Trial, J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 65: S80-S87 (2019).
35: Yu H, Dilbaz S, Coßmann J, Hoang AC, Diedrich V, Herwig A, Harauma A, Hoshi Y, Moriguchi T, Landgraf K, Körner A, Lucas C, Brodesser S, Balogh L, Thuróczy J, Karemore G, Kuefner MS, Park EA, Rapp C, Travers JB, Röszer T, Breast milk alkylglycerols sustain beige adipocytes through adipose tissue macrophages, J Clin Invest, 129: 2485-2499 (2019).
34: 守口 徹,原馬明子,解説:成長発達期における多価不飽和脂肪酸の相互作用 (Interaction of polyunsaturated fatty acids in murine developmental period), オレオサイエンス, 18: 309-16 (2018).
33: Sakaguchi K, Koyanagi A, Kamachi F, Harauma A, Chiba A, Hisata K, Moriguchi T, Shimizu T, Miyake S, Breast-feeding regulates immune system development via transforming growth factor-β in mice pups, Pediatr Int, 60: 224-31 (2018).
32: Harauma A, Hatanaka E, Yasuda H, Nakamura MT, Salem N Jr, Moriguchi T, Effects of arachidonic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid on brain development using artificial rearing of delta-6-desaturase knockout mice, Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fat Acids,127:32-9 (2017).
31: 原馬明子,勝間田祥帆,手代木 栞,守口 徹,市販されている魚卵の脂肪酸組成とその特徴について,日本脂質栄養学, 26: 225-30 (2017). [Harauma A, Katsumata S, Teshirogi S, Moriguchi T, The fatty acid composition of fish roe, J Lipid Nutr, 26: 225-30 (2017)]
30: 原馬明子,脇中奈津子,竹田真実,守口 徹,市販ツナ缶は有用なn-3系脂肪酸源にならない,日本脂質栄養学, 26: 217-24 (2017). [Harauma A, Wakinaka N, Takeda M, Moriguchi T, Comerical tuna can is not a source of n-3 fatty acid, J Lipid Nutr, 26: 217-24 (2017)]
29: 原馬明子,守口 徹,解説:ω3系脂肪酸の脳機能への影響と周産期(妊娠期,授乳期)での重要性, 化学と生物, 55: 553-8 (2017).
28: Harauma A, Yasuda H, Hatanaka E, Nakamura MT, Salem N Jr, Moriguchi T, The essentiality of arachidonic acid in addition to docosahexaenoic acid for brain growth and function, Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fat Acids, 116: 9-18 (2017).
27: Hamazaki K, Harauma A, Tanabe S, Namai M, Moriguchi T, Inadera H, Association of serum n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids with psychological 1Japan Environment and Children's Study, Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fat Acids, 114: 21-7 (2016).
26: Hatanaka E, Harauma A, Yasuda H, Watanabe J, Nakamura M, Salem N, Moriguchi T, Essentiality of arachidonic acid intake in early development, Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fat Acids, 108: 51-7 (2016).
25: English JA, Scaife C, Harauma A, Focking M, Wynne K, Cagney G, Moriguchi T, Dataset of mouse hippocampus profiled by LC-MS/MS for label-free quantitation, Cotter DR, Data Brief, 7: 341-3 (2016).
24: Yasuda H, Harauma A, Kato M, Ootomo Y, Moriguchi T, Artificially reared mice exhibit high anxiety levels, Exp Anim,63: 267-74 (2016).
23: Harauma A, Sagisaka T, Horii T, Watanabe Y, Moriguchi T, The influence of n-3 fatty acids on maternal behavior and brain monoamines in the perinatal period, Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fat Acids, 107: 1-7 (2016).
22: Hamazaki K, Harauma A, Otaka Y, Moriguchi T, Inadera H, Serum n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and psychological distress in early pregnancy: Adjunct case-control study of the Japan Environment & Children's Study, Translational Psychiatry, 6: e737 (2016).
21: Salem NM, Lin YH, Moriguchi T, Lim SY, Salem N Jr, Hibbeln JR, Distribution of omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the whole rat body and 25 compartments, Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fat Acids, 100: 13-20 (2015).
20: Naito T, Ji X, Tachibana S, Aoki S, Furuya M, Tazura Y, Miyazawa D, Harauma A, Moriguchi T, Nagata T, Iwai N, Ohara N, Effects of arachidonic acid intake on inflammatory reactions in dextran sodium sulphate-induced colitis in rats, Br J Nutr, 114: 734-45 (2015).
19: 守口 徹,原馬明子,アラキドン酸長期投与が脳機能に及ぼす影響,Food Style 21, 19: 47-50 (2015).
18: Tanaka H, Harauma A, Takimoto M, Moriguchi T, Association between very long chain fatty acids in the meibomian gland and dry eye resulting from n-3 fatty acid deficiency, Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fat Acids, 97: 1-6 (2015).
17: Harauma A, Tomita M, Muto D, Moriguchi T, Effect of long-term administration of arachidonic acid on n-3 fatty acid deficient mice, Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fat Acids, 90: 41-5 (2015).
16: Harauma A, Saito J, Watanabe Y, Moriguchi T, Potential for daily supplementation of n-3 fatty acids to reverse symptoms of dry eye in mice, Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fat Acids, 90: 207-13 (2014).
15: English JA, Harauma A, Föcking M, Wynne K, Scaife C, Cagney G, Moriguchi T, Cotter DR, Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency disrupts endocytosis, neuritogenesis, and mitochondrial protein pathways in the mouse hippocampus, Front Genet, 4: 208 (2013).
14: 守口 徹,橋本道男,アラキドン酸補給の安全性に関する研究 ―アラキドン酸長期投与が脳機能に及ぼす影響― (総説),日本脂質栄養学, 22: 165-72 (2013). [Moriguchi T, Hashimoto M, Effects of chronic supplementation of arachidonic acid on the brain function in rodents, J Lipid Nutr, 22: 165-72 (2013)]
13: 守口 徹,不安行動とn-3系脂肪酸,食品と開発,48: 10-3 (2013)
12: Oguchi-Katayama A, Monma A, Sekino Y, Moriguchi T, Sato K, Comparative gene expression analysis of the amygdala in autistic rat models produced by pre- and post-natal exposures to valproic acid, J Toxicol Sci, 8(3): 3391-402 (2013).
11: Moriguchi T, Harauma A, Salem N Jr, Plasticity of mouse brain docosahexaenoic acid: modulation by diet and age, Lipids, 48(4): 343-55 (2013).
10: Yoshizawa K, Uehara N, Kimura A, Emoto Y, Kinoshita Y, Yuri T, Takada H, Moriguchi T, Hamazaki T, Tsubura A, Promoting effect of arachidonic acid supplementation on N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced pancreatic acinar cell hyperplasia in young Lewis rats, Oncol Lett, 5: 76-82 (2013).
9: Yoshizawa K, Sasaki T, Kuro M, Uehara N, Takada H, Harauma A, Ohara N, Moriguchi T, Tsubura A, Arachidonic acid supplementation during gestational, lactational and post-weaning periods prevents retinal degeneration in a rodent model, Br J Nutr, 6: 1-9 (2012).
8: 守口 徹,原馬明子,情動行動と多価不飽和脂肪酸,最新精神医学,17: 211-7 (2012).
7: Harauma A, Moriguchi T, Dietary n-3 fatty acid deficiency in mice enhanced anxiety induced by chronic mild stress, Lipids, 46: 409-16 (2011).
6: 守口 徹,老若マウスの脳機能に及ぼすアラキドン酸の比較検討,アラキドン酸補給の安全性に関する研究(H22-食品-一般-002),厚生労働科学研究費補助金 食品の安全確保推進研究事業, 平成23年度 総括・分担研究報告書, PP91-5 (2011).
5: 守口 徹, リン脂質型n-3系脂肪酸の吸収と各組織の分布について, ホスファチジルセリン研究会会報, 8: 39-42 (2010).
4: Harauma A, Salem N Jr, Moriguchi T, Repletion of n-3 fatty acid deficient dams with alpha-linolenic acid: effects on fetal brain and liver fatty acid composition, Lipids, 45: 659-68 (2010).
3: 守口 徹,老若マウスの脳機能に及ぼすアラキドン酸の比較検討,アラキドン酸補給の安全性に関する研究(H22-食品-一般-002),厚生労働科学研究費補助金 食品の安全確保推進研究事業, 平成22年度 総括・分担研究報告書, PP59-65 (2010).
2: 守口 徹, リン脂質型DHAの作用とその可能性, ホスファチジルセリン研究会会報, 7(1): 11-6 (2009).
1: Hussein N, Fedorova I, Moriguchi T, Hamazaki K, Kim HY, Hoshiba J, Salem N Jr, Artificial rearing of infant mice leads to n-3 fatty acid deficiency in cardiac, neural and peripheral tissues, Lipids, 44: 685-702 (2009).